The American Legion Auxiliary is the largest patriotic women’s service organization in the world, with nearly 1 million members. Affiliated with The American Legion, the Auxiliary is a veterans’ service organization with members in nearly 10,000 American communities. The organization sponsors volunteer programs on the national and local levels, serving veterans, their families and their communities.
Auxiliary members believe in the ideals and principles of America’s founding fathers and pledge to foster patriotism, preserve and defend the Constitution, promote allegiance to God and Country, and uphold the basic principles of freedom of religion, freedom of expression and freedom of choice. The Auxiliary embodies the spirit of America that has prevailed through war and peace and continues to stand firmly behind America today, as it did when the organization was first founded.
Initially, the Auxiliary was organized by concerned women who took on the day-to-day responsibilities of life when their male family members went across sea during World War I. Aware of the many fatherless families and the needs of returning veterans, Auxiliary women vowed to continue their supportive roles when the veterans of World War I founded The American Legion in 1919. Auxiliary members today are wives, mothers, sisters, daughters, granddaughters and great-granddaughters
of these courageous veterans. Some members are veterans themselves.
For information on membership or upcoming events contact Lyn: or 815-739-2504
Officers for 2018
Lynore Vlcek
Peg Patterson
Vice President
Debbie Pohlman
Peg Patterson
Cookie Mollohan
Virginia Valentine
Janet Nelson
Maggie Jones